The Robora
The Robora

free video workshop reveals...

free video workshop reveals...

The strategy and tips I used to sell hundreds of online courses*

The strategy and tips I used to sell hundreds of online courses*

(and simultaneously built a valuable niche following of email subscribers)

(and simultaneously built a valuable niche following of email subscribers)

In this free video we cover:

  • Why you should stop worrying about the size of your social media following and focus more on attracting the right people.
  • How you can find more people just like your existing followers - who are likely to be interested in your course too - using Facebook*/Instagram* ads features.
  • How a free video workshop will help you attract the right people, develop trust with them, and lead them on to buy your online course.
  • ​How just three little web pages allow you to collect email addresses of people interested in your work - yes, grow that ‘list’ - AND encourage them to purchase your online course.

© 2020 The Robora

*We are not affiliated with Facebook or Instagram in any way.

*Whilst this strategy has worked very well for us at The Robora, we cannot guarantee the same results for everyone who watches this free video. 

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